General overview of 72300X practice test: Things to know

The 72300X test is very essential as it is seen as a measuring tool to test one’s skills and knowledge in a certain area. Military, health, educational, and even business organizations have certainly established exams that the professionals in these sectors should sit for. These tests require a high degree of seriousness and preparation since they are held in very high regard.
The candidates should ensure that they pass with the required points so as to boost their credibility. Those who fail these exams are required to retake them until they satisfy all the pre-set standards for the test. This can be costly since these exams are paid for before they are done.


The Certsout 72300X practice test, otherwise known in full as the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, is an exam that is administered by all army branches to determine the candidate’s potential skills and capabilities. It helps army officials really determine where a particular candidate can best serve within the military divisions.
The test has a wide range of testable areas with the aim of fully determining the candidate’s capabilities and future placements. The 72300X test is administered in post-high school and high school levels and is considered one of the most done exams in the world.
This exam is very essential for those who wish to pursue a career in the military. Good passing credentials in this exam will have an impact on the role one plays in the military or the position he or she will serve.

Testing Criteria

The 72300X exam tests the candidates in ten different areas that include General Science, Mathematical Knowledge, Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Mechanical Comprehension, Paragraph Comprehension, Numerical Operations, Electronics Information, Coding Speed, Auto and Shop Information. These areas are all tested to ensure that the candidates are evaluated well enough and their skills evaluated accordingly.
On exam day, one is usually required to sit for the 72300X exam which lasts for a maximum of three hours. The test covers all the study topics. To maintain a high level of integrity, the candidates are heavily supervised by the test administrators. The exam can be done either through a computer-based format, or a written based format with each format having a different outline and instructions.
The unique aspect about the 72300X is that it is not designed for a pass or fail but rather as a tool to assess the suitability of candidates to perform different types of military roles.

Test Areas

General science: The general understanding of science that revolves around earth science, physical science, and life sciences. It will be good to read on topics such as nutrition, geology, astronomy, health, and the human body.
Auto and shop information: It covers areas to do with automobiles and general shop instructions that are taught in vocational schools.
Mechanical comprehension: The candidate’s ability to know and use the various mechanical and physical principles.
Arithmetic reasoning: this test on the basic mathematical solving problem issues that one faces on a day to day basis.
Paragraph comprehension: It involves reading through paragraphs and answering questions afterward.
Electronics information: It covers things to do with electricity and electronic devices.
Word knowledge: This area covers the ability to understand different words and their meaning and how they are used in sentences.
Mathematical knowledge: The candidate’s ability to solve mathematical problems on the sector such as algebra and probability.

Tips to pass the 72300X practice test

This exam should be taken seriously in case one wants to advance in his or her military career. The following can be nice tips to adhere to:
  • Prepare well and in advance. This is a serious exam and it needs to be treated as such. Hence, proper and timely preparations boost your chances of passing it.
  • Conduct a practice test regularly. There are a number of the 72300X test sites that you can visit to practice before the main exam.
  • Ensure that you read through the instructions and abide by them from start to finish.
  • Ensure you carefully read and understand the questions first before you proceed to answer.
  • Counter-check to ensure that you have answered all the questions before handing over your paper. Do not leave any question blank.
  • Ensure not to engage in any dishonest practice otherwise, you risk being disqualified. In case anything is not clear you should ask the invigilator.

72300X Books

There are several books one can read to prepare themselves for this exam.
  • 72300X Study Guide: Prep Book & Practice Test – this book contains all relevant 72300X concepts and an in-depth analysis of all the test areas of the exam.
  • 72300X Math Workbook 2018 – for good mathematical preparation students can get this book that contains all the know-how of the 72300X math. It also has worked out examples and procedures.
  • Dummies 2017/2018 72300X for Dummies – this book is written in a simple way for the first time students taking the 72300X exam. It has all the basic concepts on all the tested 72300X areas.

72300X Websites

There are several websites that contain helpful 72300X learning materials that one can get to access.
  • Official 72300X Website – this website contains all the learning materials that pertain to the 72300X exam. It has numerous videos, worked out examples, exam tips, and practice tests.
  • 72300XER – the website has a lot of the 72300X related materials for use by the students. It contains numerous study guides and practice tests that students can use.
  • 72300X Boot Camp – the site has lots of practice materials covering all the 72300X exam sections. The students can do various tests and gauge their performance. The site also contains study courses from the sections.

72300X Resources

There are several study resources that are available for the 72300X students.
  • Military one resource – This is an online resource that contains all the fundamental basics of military exams, including the 72300X and how to handle them.
  • Warren County School Site – This site is not an 72300X site, but it contains useful links relating to the 72300X exam preparation. It has several resource links that students can find helpful.
  • Teaching solutions – This online resource point has everything you may need to prepare yourself for the 72300X exam. It has lots of short 72300X articles, videos, tips and even testimonials to read from.

Bottom Line

During your exam preparation, it is best not to overwhelm yourself with reading so many things at a go. Ensure you develop a good study plan that will allow you to go through parts that you feel are challenging then move onto the easy parts. This will go a long way in reducing for you any unwanted pressures.
The 72300X exam can be a hard one if you do not prepare for it well enough. In case you fail at the first attempt you are eligible to sit for a second attempt but after a month since your first attempt date. If you fail again, then your subsequent retakes will be done at an interval of 6 months.

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